Personal Message from me to you
If you are reading this then there is a great chance that you clicked a link that took you here. Marketing does work right? It got you here! Not bragging. just showing you what an easy creative action can do.
Here's my personal message for you:
To whom it may concern (wasn't sure how to open this),
I want to help you. I'm extremely dedicated to this passion I have for helping small business owners achieve growth. I always have been. It has been my entire career to do just that. Now I'm taking it to an entirely different level. As opposed to using these creative marketing skills to drive channel sales, I'm now working with companies all over the US to help them achieve growth through solid and consistent marketing touch points.
What's a touch point you ask? Well basically it's a single touch from you to your customers or prospects.
For most of you reading this, your only touch with your clients happens only in the event there is a technical problem or a billing issue. Otherwise, you are not touching your customers whatsoever. Forgive me if that sounds harsh.
The truth hurts.
I can help to stop the bleeding.
At this point I would love t write an essay on how I would accomplish this but I would rather speak one on one. Pick up the phone and call me at 917-818-4992 and we can discus your current state of affairs and figure out what works best for your vision in the future.
Wanting to grow your business with no effort is ridiculous. You know this.
Let us help you in the areas that you don't have time for and certainly don't have the staff to accomplish this. Remember we are NOT like any other company you would work with.
Most of the companies that do what TOUCH does have no idea what a key system is. Of course knowing what a key system is in this day and age won't really help other than the fact that you know I am for real.
Amphenol, 1A2 things like that. I came from this world and I understand you and your business. Let's do this together!
Core focus is Customer Retention -
Everything starts via a phone call 917-818-4992 or an email to
Remember -Touch-VOIP Marketing specializes in customer retention through the use of digital
marketing. We are the industry's #1 provider of services that cater to
companies wanting to stay connected to their existing client base and do
it at an affordable price point.
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